Protocool is a locally owned and operated business that was established in Mossman in 2005. Protocool installs, services and repairs air-conditioning and refrigeration units, servicing both the commercial and domestic markets, in the Port Douglas / Mossman / Daintree area with the occasional work in isolated regions.
We are Daikin dealers and service agents. We also are dealers and service agents for Actron Air and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries.
Protocool can design, supply and install high quality air conditioning solutions for both domestic and commercial premises.
Protocool is a family owned and operated business servicing the needs of the Commercial Refrigeration and Air Conditioning sector.
Supply and installation of commercial refrigeration equipment with ongoing repairs and maintenance services.
Protocool Mossman. ACN: 116872694 ARC: AU08758 QBCC: 1086856
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